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Learn how to establish a vineyard, train vines, manage birds, harvest the crop, and pruning tips at the Annual Spring Gardening Seminar, March 14th. Home gardeners will also learn how to use good crop management to produce a quality...
Continue Reading →Research from K-State’s John C. Pair Horticultural Center has quantified the effect of controlling grasses around newly planted trees. Jason Griffin, William Reid, and Dale Bremer conducted a study to investigate the inhibition of growth of transplanted, seedling trees when lawn...
Continue Reading →Dave Tylka, who will be presenting at the Master Gardeners Annual Spring Seminar, is a semi-retired professor of Biology at St. Louis Community College at Meramec where he taught full time for...
Continue Reading →Sugar maples often have significant problems with our Kansas weather. Our hot, often dry summers and windy conditions can shorten the life of these trees. However, some sugar maples are better adapted to Kansas conditions than others. Our...
Continue Reading →January is often a cold and dreary month for many gardeners. However, planning for and starting vegetables and flower transplants from seed can make this a much more interesting time of year. Following are the steps needed to be successful...
Continue Reading →Paperwhites are a form of daffodil that do not require a chilling period in order to bloom. Therefore, they are very easy to force and bring in to bloom. Following are the steps needed. • Use a 3 to...
Continue Reading →Though it is too early to plant asparagus, it is not too early to make plan and prepare the soil. This crop is a perennial and will survive for many years if given proper care. It prefers full sun and...
Continue Reading →Houseplants Weeks 1-4: Two handsome houseplants that provide fragrant blossoms indoors this month are the Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) and Japanese pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira). Both thrive in average home conditions and are easy plants to grow. Weeks 1-4: As day...
Continue Reading →Thursday, February 21, 2019 “400 Million Years on Six Legs: Evolution of the Insects” Do you appreciate insects or want a greater understanding of insects? Did you know that insects are the primary pollinators of our ecosystems? Did you know...
Continue Reading →Have you signed up for our Annual Spring Seminar yet??? It is an amazing all day event offering a variety of presentations for the avid gardener. You can learn about the Best Veggies for our Midwest Climate, Gardening with Natives...
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