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  • Gardeners’ Gathering

    Thursday, August 17, 2017 “Gardening for Bees and Butterflies” The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City present “Gardening for Bees and Butterflies “ by our special guest, Heather Holm. She is the author of “Pollinators of Native Plants” and “...

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  • Squash Vine Borer

      ​If you have squash or related plants that suddenly wilt and die, you may have squash vine borer. This insect will bore into the stems of squash, zucchini, pumpkins and gourds. Hubbard squash are a favorite, and butternuts are...

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  • Gardeners’ Gathering

    Thursday, June 15, 2017 “Garden and Pioneer Home Tour of Atkins-Johnson Farm in Gladstone” The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City will guide you through a “Garden and Pioneer Home Tour of Atkins-Johnson Farm” in Gladstone, Thursday, June 15, 2017,...

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  • Fruit: Thinning Excess Fruit

    Fruit: Thinning Excess Fruit   A few areas of Kansas have avoided late freezes resulting in a heavy fruit crop this year. At first glance, this might seem to be a good thing. But too many fruit can cause problems...

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  • Water Lilies: Easier than you Think

    Loved by most, but grown by few, water lilies suffer from the perception they are difficult to grow. Such is not the case. The special conditions needed to allow these aquatic beauties to grace one's garden are not all that...

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  • Fruit: Fertilizing Strawberries and Brambles

    Most garden soils in Kansas have adequate levels of all nutrients other than nitrogen IF the area has been fertilized in the past. However, it is recommended that a soil test be done to be sure of the nutrient needs...

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  • Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album)

    Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) Photo by dave Lambsquarters (Chenopodium album) is a fast-growing summer annual. Common in gardens throughout North America, young lambsquarters leaves are edible. Older leaves have white undersides. Do not allow plants to develop seeds, which can number...

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  • Fruit: Fertilizing the Home Orchard

        ​Fruit trees benefit from fertilization around the bloom period, but the amount needed varies with the age of the tree. Normally, trees primarily need nitrogen, so the recommendations are for a high nitrogen fertilizer such as a 27-3-3,...

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  • Gardeners’ Gathering

    Thursday, April 13, 2017 “Why Prairie Matters-New Relevancies of a Vanishing Landscape” The Master Gardeners of Greater Kansas City present “Why Prairie Matters –New Relevancies of a Vanishing Landscape”, Thursday, April 13, 2017, 6:30 pm at Kauffman Conference Center, 4801...

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  • Planting Asparagus

    Though it is too early to plant asparagus, it is not too early to make plans and prepare soil. This crop is a perennial and will survive for many years if given proper care. It prefers full sun and a...

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University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program