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  • March Gardening Calendar

    Houseplants Weeks 1-4: Two handsome houseplants that provide fragrant blossoms indoors this month are the Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) and Japanese pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira). Both thrive in average home conditions and are easy plants to grow. Weeks 1-4: As day...

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  • Pawpaw Trees: A Native Fruit

      Even though pawpaw is native to eastern Kansas, many people in the state have never eaten one. Fruits resemble fat bananas and are generally up to 6 inches long and as much as 3 inches wide. The taste is...

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  • Pear Harvest

    Most pear cultivars should not be allowed to ripen on the tree. They should be picked while still firm and ripened after harvest. Tree-ripened fruits are often of poor quality because of the development of grit cells and the browning...

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  • Fertilize Strawberries

      An August application of nitrogen on spring-bearing strawberries is important in order to increase the number of strawberries produced next spring. Plenty of daylight and warm temperatures during June, July and August promotes the growth of new runner, or...

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  • When is watermelon ripe?

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  • Fruit: Thinning Excess Fruit

    Fruit: Thinning Excess Fruit   A few areas of Kansas have avoided late freezes resulting in a heavy fruit crop this year. At first glance, this might seem to be a good thing. But too many fruit can cause problems...

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  • October Gardening Calendar

    OrnamentalsWeeks 1-4: Continue watering, especially evergreens if soils are dry.Weeks 1-4: Nuts or seeds of woody plants usually require exposure to 3 months cold before sprouting. This may be provided by outdoor planting in fall or "stratifying" in an unsealed...

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  • Storing Apples

    You can enjoy apples from January to June – with the right conditions. Some apple cultivars can be stored for longer periods than others. Some cultivars will stay in firm, crisp condition for about 6 to 8 months with good...

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  • Thinning Excess Fruit

    Some areas of Kansas have avoided late freezes resulting in a heavy fruit crop this year. At first glance, this might seem to be a good thing. But too many fruit can cause problems that should be alleviated with thinning....

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  • Fertilizing Blueberries​

    Blueberries are sensitive to excess levels of fertilizer. Do not go over the recommended amount. Year of Planting: Apply fertilizer according to soil test and work into the soil before planting. Every six weeks thereafter apply a high nitrogen fertilizer such...

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University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program