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Garden Calendar Category

  • April Gardening

    Spring is here. If you are interested in gardening outdoors, now is the time to start. Cool Season Vegetables, those that thrive in cooler temperatures can be sown into moist, crumbly garden soil now. Follow the planting information on the...

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  • March Gardening Calendar

    Houseplants Weeks 1-4: Two handsome houseplants that provide fragrant blossoms indoors this month are the Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) and Japanese pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira). Both thrive in average home conditions and are easy plants to grow. Weeks 1-4: As day...

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  • February Gardening Calendar

    Ornamentals Weeks 1-4: Winter aconite (Eranthis sp.) and snowdrops (Galanthus sp.) are hardy bulbs for shady gardens that frequently push up through snow to bloom now. Weeks 1-4: Water evergreens if the soil is dry and unfrozen. Weeks 1-4: Inspect...

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  • September Gardening Calendar

    Ornamentals Weeks 1-4: Continue planting evergreens now. Weeks 1-3: Cuttings of annuals can be taken now to provide vigorous plants for overwintering. Weeks 1-3: Herbs such as parsley, rosemary, chives, thyme and marjoram can be dug from the garden and...

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  • February Gardening Calendar

    OrnamentalsWeeks 1-4: Winter aconite (Eranthis sp.) and snowdrops (Galanthus sp.) are hardy bulbs for shady gardens that frequently push up through snow to bloom now.Weeks 1-4: Water evergreens if the soil is dry and unfrozen.Weeks 1-4: Inspect summer bulbs in...

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  • October Gardening Calendar

    OrnamentalsWeeks 1-4: Continue watering, especially evergreens if soils are dry.Weeks 1-4: Nuts or seeds of woody plants usually require exposure to 3 months cold before sprouting. This may be provided by outdoor planting in fall or "stratifying" in an unsealed...

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  • September Gardening Calendar

    OrnamentalsWeeks 1-4: Continue planting evergreens now.Weeks 1-3: Cuttings of annuals can be taken now to provide vigorous plants for overwintering.Weeks 1-3: Herbs such as parsley, rosemary, chives, thyme and marjoram can be dug from the garden and placed in pots...

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  • August Gardening Calendar

    OrnamentalsWeeks 1-4: Continue spraying roses that are susceptible to black spot and other fungus diseases.Weeks 1-4: Annuals may appear leggy and worn now. These can be cut back hard and fertilized to produce a new flush of bloom.Weeks 1-4: Deadhead...

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  • April Gardening Calendar

     Category     Week Activity       1 2 3 4    Ornamentals x x x x Study your landscape for gaps that could be nicely filled with bulbs. Mark these spots carefully and make a note to order bulbs next August.  ...

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  • March Gardening Calendar

     Category     Week Activity       1 2 3 4    Houseplants x x x x Two handsome houseplants that provide fragrant blossoms indoors this month are the Confederate jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) and Japanese pittosporum (Pittosporum tobira). Both thrive in average home...

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University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program