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Pests Category

  • Squash Vine Borer

      ​If you have squash or related plants that suddenly wilt and die, you may have squash vine borer. This insect will bore into the stems of squash, zucchini, pumpkins and gourds. Hubbard squash are a favorite, and butternuts are...

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  • Fall Armyworms on Turf

    Though we had some fall armyworms last year, the last time we had a significant outbreak on turf was August, 2000. Armyworms are so-called because they invade fields or landscapes as large groups and can cause a lawn to turn...

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  • Hornworms on Tomatoes

    Hornworms are the largest larval insect commonly seen in the garden. Though usually seen on tomato, they can also attack eggplant, pepper, and potato. The larval stage of this insect is a 3 ½- to 4-inch long pale green caterpillar with...

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  • Squash Vine Borer

    If you have squash or related plants that suddenly wilt and die, you may have squash vine borer. This insect will bore into the stems of squash, zucchini, pumpkins and gourds. Hubbard squash are a favorite, and butternuts are less...

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  • Japanese Beetles (JB)

    Japanese beetles have become a firmly established pest species in portions of Kansas. Potential damage is twofold. Most commonly, Japanese beetles indiscriminately feed on nearly 300 plant species including fruits, vegetables, agronomic and forage crops, ornamentals, trees and shrubs. Often...

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  • Rabbits in the Garden

    Rabbits in gardens are a perennial problem because of the wide variety of plants they can feed on. This time of year, they gravitate to young vegetables and flowers. But there are some vegetables that are rarely bothered including potatoes,...

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  • Emerald Ash Borer Adults Emerging Soon

    Adults of the emerald ash borer (EAB) will start emerging about the time that black locust blooms and then be around through July. Black locust flowers are just starting to open in Columbia as of April 28. EAB adults are...

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  • Periodical Cicadas Coming Soon—in Some Places

    If you missed out experiencing the huge emergence of 13-year cicadas in 2011 because they weren’t present in your part of Missouri, you may have an opportunity this year. Two other broods of periodical cicadas will emerge this spring, and...

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  • Emerald Ash Borer Management Guide

    Emerald Ash Borer Management Guide now available! The new Emerald Ash Borer Management Guide for Missouri Homeowners is now available online HERE. The guide includes a 2-page flowchart to assist homeowners in making decisions about emerald ash borer (EAB) management...

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  • EAB found in White Fringe Trees in Ohio with high pest populations

    White fringetree (Chionanthus virginicus) has been found attacked by emerald ash borer (Agrilus planipennis Fairmaire) by Don Cipollini, a professor at Wright State University in Ohio Details A larval specimen and a partial adult specimen extracted from this tree have...

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University of Missouri Extension Master Gardener Program